
Sit. Stay. Breathe.

Working with dogs for most of my life, I have come to realize that, even though we are so different, we have more in common than I first thought. Take meditation, for example. Much of what was taught in puppy kindergarten directly translates over and informs my meditation practice. Here are some of the things I learned: Read More

Stressed? Who me?

Yes, it’s that time of year again. And try as you might, sometimes there just isn’t any avoiding the family gatherings, the ‘playful’ banter, the distant relative who is the ‘worst-case scenario’ expert and last but not least, your mom … who likes nothing better than to push your buttons. It’s almost like a sport.

Well, this year can be different. Sure, your relatives will all be the same as they usually are, but YOU can be different. You can stay cool. You can be unaffected by their nonsense. And by managing your stress response to their behavior, believe it or not, you can actually begin to effect a change in whole family dynamic.

What’s this all about? Well it has to do with shifting your perspective on things. Primarily shifting your perspective on who you are, and then expanding your understanding about how stress changes who you are. Read More

Dog Shame

We’ve all seen the photos … dogs with signs around their necks, confessing the terrible things they have done while home alone. Yes, they’re cute and funny. And as long as the signs are just talking about what the dogs have done, I’m happy to click through and move on.  But one I’ve seen recently took a slightly different approach. Instead of describing the dog’s actions, it actually labeled the dog itself with the message, “I am a bad boy.” Seems simple enough. Until you evaluate the energetics of that sign. Read More

My Secret Superpower

My transition from litigation attorney to Energy Healing Practitioner/Instructor didn’t happen overnight. It was the result of a number of incremental paradigm shifts over time.

It all started when, after experiencing chronic stress and not having any tools to manage it, that (no surprise) my body got sick. I, of course, turned to Western Medicine, only to be told that there was only so much they could do and that there were certain symptoms that I was going to have to live with. “Really?” I thought. Not being the type to take “no” for an answer, I started exploring other healing approaches. Now remember, I was born and raised on Western Medicine. I basically didn’t know anything else. For me, Chiropractic was “super-exotic.” But I stretched my comfort zones and explored chiropractic, massage and acupuncture. Read More

Nourish Yourself with Meditation

Your health and well being are your greatest asset.  Think of them like a bank account.  Are you withdrawing more than you are depositing?  It’s time to take a weekend and Restore.  Regenerate.  Recharge.

Learn how meditation can help you improve your health in body, mind, and spirit. Experience a heightened sense of well-being in just a few days.   This weekend program, in association with Ananda Center at Laurelwood, will introduce you to simple, universal methods that you can easily incorporate into your personal meditation practice.

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