Meditation: the Pillar of your day

Meditation: the Pillar of your day

Is the pandemic impacting you in a way that you have too much to do and you are feeling overwhelmed?  Meditation can help.  I know, you don’t have any time. I understand. But think about this: stress reduces… Read More

Emotions like water

Our emotional body is like water.    You’ve probably heard the story about our emotional life being like the contents of a cup that we hold.  If we are holding a cup of coffee and someone bumps our… Read More

Meditation: like snow tires?

Over the years, I’ve tried to convey to people what meditation is, what it does, details, research, etc., and I feel like my “left brain” explanation has always fallen short of the value of the practice.  But now,… Read More

Earthquake in December

Did you feel the earthquake yesterday?  I have to admit, it took me by surprise, and immediately my mind went to all the things I had done already to prepare, as well as the few things that were… Read More

Sit. Stay. Breathe.

Working with dogs for most of my life, I have come to realize that, even though we are so different, we have more in common than I first thought. Take meditation, for example. Much of what was taught… Read More

What Are You Grateful For?

Gratitude.  How often do you think of the things you are grateful for?  Maybe you are one of those people who keeps a gratitude journal.  Perhaps, you mostly notice what you are grateful for only after it is… Read More